Interview Tips

• Use the company website, search engines and social and business networking sites to research the company, the position, and the people you will be meeting.

• Prepare at least three questions that are relevant and important to the company and the person you are interviewing.

• Review your work history and experience to highlight accomplishments that will be relevant to this position.

• Be on time but not more than 15 minute early and dress conservatively.

• Be upbeat and positive, confident but not cocky. Always maintain eye contact with your interviewer.

• Always begin each answer with a positive statement of what you know. Avoid starting with negative statements such as “I haven’t used that software.” Instead turn a negative into a positive statement of what you know. “I have used PeopleSoft. I have installed PeopleSoft on time and under budget. Although I have not used your software I know I will learn it as quickly as I learned PeopleSoft.”

• Don’t ask questions about Salary, Benefits or Working Conditions on your first interview.

• Send a thank you note. It is easy to send an email, but a hand written note shows you took extra time and reinforces your interest in the job. Have someone review the note before sending,